Put the disks on the rod on another rod! Try to solve it using the least moves you can!

Rules of the Game:
1. You can move only one disk at a time.
2. A bigger disk may never get on a smaller disk.

Help: It is necessary to use the third rod!

Minimal moves 2K – 1, where the index (K) is the number of the disks. In our case, since there are 5 disks, at least 31 moves are necessary.

According to the legend, many years ago in India god Shiva ordered his clerks to play this game. (Difference: three diamond needles and 64 golden disks). Their reward: when the last disk gets to its place, the world will end.

The clerks should not fall into despair for two reasons:
▪ in case of 64 disks, the operation can be solved by at least 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 moves, this would last for about 580 billions of years,
▪ in the hindu religion according to the idea of "continuing cycle" the whole thing will start again from the beginning...