1. Saint Anne, 1868.
(side altar painting in the Church of Saint George in Novi Knjaževac)

Saint Anne was the mother of Virgin Mary, on the painting she is teaching her daughter – who later served in a church - to read. There are apocriphal writings about her life: her wealth she shared out among the poor, her husband was Joachim, they were for long a childless couple.

2. All Saints, 1866.
(side altar painting in the Church of the Holy Cross in Srbobran)

On the top part of the composition is the Holy Trinity: the Lord, the Son holding a cross and the Holy Spirit as a pigeon. On their right side Virgin Mary is on her knees, behind her Saint Peter and a group of apostles. On their left side John the Baptist together with Saint Paul, behind the latter figures from the Old Testament are standing with Moses and King David in the front. The lower part of the painting depicts two deacons from their back, Saint Stephen and Lawrence. On the right side there are Saint Catherine, Saint Barbara, and Saint Elisabeth of the Árpád dinasty and Queen Helen of Hungary, on the left side there are Saint Stephen and King Ladislaus.

3. Saint Thomas, 1866.
(side altar painting in the Church of the Holy Cross in Srbobran)

One of the 12 apostles, he doubted Jesus's resurrection, but when Jesus appeared to him and asked him to touch the wound on his chest, he began to believe. According to apocryphal writings he became a martyr in India. He is the patron of architects, artists, judges.

4. Saint Joseph, 1868.
(side altar painting in the Church of Saint Anne in Mali Iđoš)

Saint Joseph is Jesus's stepfather, who was a carpenter according to Christian tradition. This is his most popular presentation with the little Jesus in his arms. He is the patron of good death, marriage and family, orphans and carpenters. His symbol is the flowering rod, most frequently with lilies.

5. Saint John of Nepomuk, 1868.
(side altar painting in the Church of Saint Anne in Mali Iđoš)

He was born around 1350 in Nepomuk. He studied in Prague and Padova, and was ordained in 1380. According to the legend, he was drowned in the Vltava river at the behest of Wenceslaus, King of the Romans and King of Bohemia. Later accounts state that he was the confessor of the queen of Bohemia and refused to divulge the secrets of the confessional. He is the protector of bridges, ships, shipmen, raftsmen, the dying, he also protects from scandals. His attribute is the five stars around his head, in his hand there is a branch of palm tree, symbol of martyrdom.

6. Saint Joseph, 1890.
(main altar painting in the Church of Saint Joseph in Gornji Breg)

This work of art is a traditional iconographic theme. Saint Joseph and the little Jesus, like a living sculpture are standing on a platform, around them an older and a younger couple with a little girl and boy praying on their knees in traditional dresses, symbolyzing the people.

7. Saint Michael, 1860.
(main altar painting of the graveyard chapel in Bečej)

One of the seven archangels, he is the leader of God's army, he vanquished the Satan, he is the one who according to the tradition is weighing souls in his perfectly balanced scales (hence the saint is often depicted holding scales) on Judgment Day. On the painting he is dressed as a Roman soldier, blowing the horn to announce Judgement Day, when the dead resurrect and give account of their faith and their life on Earth.

8. Blessed Virgin Mary, 1855.
(main altar painting of the Virgin Mary's Church in Bečej)

According to the ancient Christian tradition which goes back to the very beginning of the Christian Church, The Saviour did not let his mother's body to remain in the grave and decay, but shortly after her death, he resurrected her and brought her to Heaven. According to the tradition, the assumption happened in the Valley of Josaphat, around the stone sarcophagus the astonished apostles are standing.